Licensed Psychologist, State of Texas Number 2-3163L
Board Certified Behavior Analyst – Doctorate Behavior Analyst Certification Board Number 1-01-0682
Professional Memberships
American Psychological Association
National Register of Health Services Psychologists
Texas Psychological Association
Association of Family and Conciliation Courts
Association for Behavior Analysis
Lone Star Association for Behavior Analysis
Texas Association for Behavior Analysis
Clinical Special Interests
- Development, application, and evaluation of behavioral and cognitive–behavioral interventions
- Interventions for underserved child populations including children of divorce, juvenile victims of violent crime, children with conduct disorder, and children with autism spectrum disorders.
- Individual, couple and family psychotherapy.
- Emphasis on family, marital, parenting and divorce issues.
- Psychological diagnostic testing, including emotional and cognitive functioning.
- Functional behavior analysis.
- Expert witness in civil and criminal cases.
- Forensic evaluations – child custody
- Competency and Sanity Evaluations: criminal
Clinical Experience
2005 - Present Director
Forensic Psychology Services, University of Houston
Train doctoral students in conducting forensic psychology services.
2001- 2005 Training Director
Forensic Psychology Services, University of Houston
Train doctoral students in conducting scientific child custody evaluations and other forensic services.
1996 - Present Executive Director
Texas Young Autism Project
Behavioral treatment services and research program for children with autism spectrum disorders
1993 - 2008 Director
Victims’ Resource Institute, University of Houston
Program development and supervision of treatment programs for victims of violence.
1995 - 1998 Consultant Psychologist
Mental Health and Mental Retardation Authority of Harris County
Early Childhood Intervention Program consulting.
1994 - 2000 Clinic Coordinator
Psychological Research and Services Center, University of Houston.
Administration of university outpatient training clinic.
1986 - 1994 Director
Parent–Child Partnership Project. University of Houston
Program development and supervision of services for single–parent families.
1986 - 1992 Consultant Psychologist
Med–Psych Services
Inpatient and out–patient assessment and medical consultation, adult & child.
1983 - 1986 Program Manager
Institute for Family Treatment
Clinical program development, outpatient parent counseling, and group therapy.
1983-1986 Consultant Psychologist
Terry–Haag Clinic
Child, adult and family treatment and assessment, inpatient and outpatient
1983-1985 Research Psychologist
Texas Research Institute for the Mental Sciences
Family and child individual outpatient psychotherapy, clinical program development, child group therapy.Teaching Experience
1986 – Present Department of Psychology, University of Houston
Graduate Courses:
Clinical Practicum.
Research Practicum.
Advanced Specialty Practica (Divorce, Child Aggression, Juvenile Victimization, Custody Evaluation, Forensic Psychology).
Cognitive Assessment
Interventions I
Special Problems: Fieldwork in Behavioral Research
Undergraduate Courses:
Abnormal Psychology
Behavior Modification
Special Problems: Fieldwork in Behavioral Research
Special Topics: Behavior Modification II
Community Service Practicum
Human Sexuality
Marriage and Family
Clinical Workshops Conducted:
Interviewing and Report writing
Forensic Custody Evaluations
Competency Evaluations
ABC’s of ABA
Generalization of Learned Responses
ABA for the Classroom
Research Experience
2005- Present Training Director
Center for Forensic Psychology
Research on issued involved in child custody evaluations, child victimization, and
other forensic services
1996 - Present Executive Director
Texas Young Autism Project
Research on behavioral interventions for young children with autism.
1986 - 2008 Research Program Director
Victim’s Resource Institute, University of Houston
Divorce Adjustment Services, Parent–Child Partnership.
1984-1986 Program Manager
Institute for Family Treatment
Planning and initial development of clinical research program (Parenting).
1983-1985 Research Fellow
Texas Research Institute for the Mental Sciences
Child and Family Clinic Research Program.
Committee Assignments And Administrative Duties
2009-Present President and member of board of directors of Lone Star Association for Behavior
2005-2009 Member of the Psychology Advisory Board, University of Houston – Clearlake.
2004-2010 Member of the Public Advisory Committee for the Positive Behavioral Supports
Grant managed by Texana MHMR
2004-2005 Program Committee member for Texas Association for Behavior Analysis 2005
state conference
2003-2012 Texas Association for Behavior Analysis’ Autism Special Interest Group
representative to FEAT Houston’s bi-monthly board meetings
2002-2012 Member of Texas Association for Behavior Analysis Autism Special Interest
Group Steering Committee. Meetings hosted by University of Houston.
1999-2004 University of Houston Committee for Protection of Human Subjects, Social
1997-2008 Expert testimony and consultation for Harris County District Attorney’s office,
Juvenile Division.
1997-1999 Mayor’s Task Force on Juvenile Gangs
Publications (2000 – 2018 only)
Harris, G.M., & Harris, G.E. (2018). Determining competency with older adults. Texas Psychologist, 77(1). Cedar Park, Tx.
Faulkner, Victoria J., Shanding, G. Thomas Jr., Fan, Weihua, and Harris, Gerald E (2017). Attaining the Developmental Milestone of Daytime Dryness for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Accepted for publication by Consultant for Pediatricians 360.
Chasson, Gregory S., Mychailyszyn, Matthew P., Vincent, John. P., & Harris, Gerald E. (2013). Evaluation of Trauma Characteristics as Predictors of Attrition from Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy for Child Victims of Violence. Psychological Reports: Disability & Trauma, 2013, 113,1–20.
Chasson, G. S., Harris, G. E., & Neely, W. J. (2012). Cost comparison of early intensive behavioral intervention and special education for children with Autism. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 16(3), 401–413.
Chasson, G. S., Vincent, J. P., & Harris, G. E. (2008). The use of symptom severity measured just before termination to predict child treatment dropout. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 64(7), 1–14.
Fullerton, G., Tyler, C., Johnston, C. A., Vincent, J. P., Harris, G. E., and Foreyt, J. P. (2007). Quality of life in Mexican–American children following a weight management program. Obesity, 15(11), 2553–2556.
Clear, P. J., Vincent, J. P., Harris, G. E. (2006). Ethnic differences in symptom presentation of sexually abused girls. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 15(3).
Tomanik, S., Harris, G. E., & Hawkins, J. (2004). The relationship between maternal stress and the treatment of children with autism. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 29(1), 75–85.
Mikalsen, E., Vincent, J. P., & Harris, G. E. (2002). Prevention of victimization: Survival Skills for urban youth. Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community, 2, 33–44.
Vincent, J. P., Harris, G. E., & Cross, J. (2002) Giving Kids a Chance: Helping Victimized
Children and Their Families. A Guide for Law Enforcement Professionals. U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime.
Vincent, J. P., Harris, G. E., & Cross, J. (2002) Giving Kids a Chance: Helping Victimized Children and Their Families. A Guide for Law Enforcement Professionals. Trainer’s Manual. U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime.
Vincent, J. P., Harris, G. E., & Cross, J. (2002) Giving Kids a Chance: Helping Victimized Children and Their Families. A Guide for Professionals in Legal Settings. U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime.
Vincent, J. P., Harris, G. E., & Cross, J. (2002) Giving Kids a Chance: Helping Victimized Children and Their Families. A Guide for Professionals in Legal Settings. Trainer’s Manual. U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime.
Vincent, J. P., Harris, G. E., & Cross, J. (2002) Giving Kids a Chance: Helping Victimized Children and Their Families. A Guide for Professionals in School Settings. U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime.
Vincent, J. P., Harris, G. E., & Cross, J. (2002) Giving Kids a Chance: Helping Victimized Children and Their Families. A Guide for Professionals in School Settings. Trainer’s Manual. U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime.
Vincent, J. P., Harris, G. E., Cross, J., & Pallapattu, A. (2000). Juvenile crime victims: Psychological impact and treatment. In J. P. Vincent, & E. N. Jouriles (Eds.), Domestic violence: Guidelines for research–informed practice (pp. 171–179). London: Jessica Kingsley.
Presentations (1990 – 2018 only)
Vincent, J.P., Hays, J., Harris, G.E., Klement, J., LeBar, J., Fox,K. (2017) Growing Psychology: Future Opportunities in Forensic Psychology. Symposium presentation at the annual Texas Psychological Association Conference, Houston, TX.
Harris, G.E., & Harris, G.M. (2017). How to best use psychological services in your legal practice. Presentation for Criminal Justice Association Panel for the Southern District of Texas.
Vincent, J.P., Hays, J., Harris, G.E., Klement, J., LeBar, J., Fox, K.(2016))Psychology’s Mission for Good: Educating Attorneys and The Courts. Symposium presentation at the annual Texas Psychological Association Conference, San Antonio, TX.